Conflict is neither. Conflict just is. Look up from your computer, smart phone and look around you. If you can, take a look at the nature around you. Nature is the perfect example of how conflict leads to change. Storms wash away debris and clear the path for new growth. Of course, there is also the likelihood of some devastation. Conflict can be viewed the same way.Conflict can be used as an impetus for change and innovation. When interests and ideas collide it cracks open an opportunity to explore a new way of achieving the desired outcome. Once we remove judgement from our perspective then we can begin to truly consider the options being presented. At that point we can engage, accept or reject new ways of thinking. The worst thing we can do is to push down or try to extinguish conflict. Any conflict that goes unaddressed will eventually re-emerge; and when it does, it will manifest itself in a more concentrated form. Embrace conflict with an open heart and mind. Remember, when people fuss it’s usually regarding something they care about.